One of the flaws of Singapore system that Janelle Lee mentioned was that it was too rigid and inflexible. This is one point that has came across my mind many times while schooling.
Janelle Lee states in her letter to that the education system promotes a “memorize” don’t “ask” method. This method is widely used in many schools including Hwa chong. The method of teaching can be seen in lessons such as Science and Humanities. The teachers would ask us to just remember the information so that we would be able to regurgitate them on the test day and achieve our much wanted A1.I feel that Janelle has raised an important point in our education system. Our education system today is very much focused on the grades that would determine our future. The easiest way to attain those high grades is to simply memorise the information pack and be able to “deliver” the answers on the day of the exam.
This should not be the case as we as students should strive to learn as much as we can. Instead of rigidly memorising everything, we should try to discover more by ourselves on the topic which would ultimately help us more as we would not only know the areas that are being tested but also the areas that are strongly relate with our topic.
I do not think that an ideal education system is possible. Reason being that in order to have an ideal education system, the system should be able to cater to all students. However, in the education system itself, there would be many different types of students. Therefore it would most likely be impossible to cater to all the children’s needs, thus an ideal education system would not really be possible.
Though an ideal education system is not possible, we could create an education system that would meet most of the students’ needs and thus helping a large portion of the students.